Advanced Performance Dentistry
Routine dental care is critical to your horse’s well being, as well as the relationship and communication between horse and rider. Regular dental work and exams detect abnormalities in the mouth before they become larger problems, and our advanced dental techniques and equipment reduce procedural time and minimize trauma to the horse, making it an easier experience for everyone. By reducing pain and discomfort associated with dental issues, we can help you and your horse to reach your goals whatever they may be.
Preventative Medicine
It is said that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and it’s true that a good preventative medicine program is vital to the overall, long-term health of our equine friends. The basics of a successful preventative care program include twice-yearly vaccinations, routine deworming in conjunction with fecal egg counts, and regular dentistry.
Lameness evaluation is one of our specialties here at MVS. Whether you have a high-level performance horse or a pleasure companion, we perform a comprehensive lameness exam, including the latest in diagnostic imaging techniques, for rapid, correct diagnosis and treatment and the best possible prognosis.
Pre-Purchase Exam
One of the most important exams that you can have a veterinarian perform is the pre-purchase examination. Once you have picked out that potential new addition to your herd, call us to arrange a pre-purchase exam. The pre-purchase exam includes a full physical, a neurologic exam, and a soundness exam to make sure that you enter in any potential purchase armed with the most information possible.
We offer the latest in diagnostic imaging techniques including a digital, direct capture radiography system. This system lets us take radiographs (X-rays) in the field, and show you the resulting images immediately, allowing us to immediately begin to outline and implement a treatment plan. We also offer diagnostic ultrasound for use in tendon and ligament imaging as well as reproductive ultrasound scans.
Chiropractic Services
Chiropractic manipulation has been used for decades in horses as a diagnostic tool and treatment option to optimize health, improve quality of life, and increase performance. Chiropractic adjustments function to reduce pain by restoring a normal range of motion to the spine as well as unencumbering the nervous system to restore its optimal function. Abnormal posture, poll stiffness, resistance to saddling, behavior changes, lameness, difficulty with specific leads, and strong one-sided tendencies can all be indications that your horse could benefit from a chiropractic adjustment.
Acupuncture is effective because many acupuncture points coincide with nerve bundles, myofascial planes, neurovascular bundles, and lymphatic vessels, all of which, when stimulated, can have both local and systemic effects on the body. There are a multitude of peer-reviewed, medical publications demonstrating the benefits of acupuncture – from paralysis in Dachshunds to back pain in horses to carpal tunnel syndrome in humans, the improvements noted after acupuncture therapies are widespread and well received. Even if your horse doesn’t suffer from significant pain or lameness issues, there can certainly be a place for acupuncture in his overall wellness plan.
24 Hour Emergency Service
We know that horses dont always pick the most convenient times to become ill or injured. That’s why we offer 24 hour emergency services. When you need emergency services, call the main office (303- 279- 4893), and follow the prompts on the voice service to leave a message for the on-call doctor. Be sure to use the urgent option for a prompt return call. Payment due IN FULL at time of service for ALL emergency calls.